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পন্ছমুখী কচু পিতিকা (Mashed Colocasia esculenta var. panchamukhia)

By Amiya M. Das Bookmark and Share


Panchamukhi Kochu (Colocassia sp.) –  250 gm
Mustard oil –  3 tbsp
Yellow mustard seeds –  ½ tsp
Juice of Assam lemon –  1 tsp
Green chilli –  one
Red chilli –  one
Salt to taste  


Peel off the outer hard layer of the corms of the Kochu. Cut into 2-3 inch cubes and boil them in water till softened. Remove the boiled pieces from the water, let the excess water dry out. Heat oil in a pan and lightly fry the mustard seeds. Add the Kochu pieces, salt, stir and remove from the frying pan. Mash thoroughly to make a fine paste. Garnish with chopped green and red chillies.

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